We’re very excited to have acquired our 2nd Fast Track 100 customer. We’ve been commissioned to carry out extensive customisation of their Sage 200 system in order to bring the software in line with the aspirations and dynamism of this extremely fast moving company. Initially we’ll be implementing our...
As Sage 200 developers we’re all very aware the need to generate a simple “stub” script to hook into the instantiation of a Sage 200 amendable form in order to control its customisation, these scripts usually look something like: Imports Tilted.Sage200.Magento.Customisations.Stock Module addInModule Public Sub main Dim o as...
Below are a couple of really useful extensions that can be improved upon to include many different types of column and amendable control, though you will have to manipulate the returned column when dealing with more complex lookup controls. public static Sage.ObjectStore.Controls.GridColumn AddNumericColumn(this Sage.ObjectStore.Controls.Grid Grid, string Caption, string DisplayMember)...